
Shepherd to the Stars

I've sins aplenty, aye, but regrets? Not so much.

Age: ??
Orientation: Bisexual
Height: 159cm
Weight: ??
Birthplace: ??
Home: Gridania

A smile better suits a hero.

Light // Zodiark
<3 Haurchefant // G'raha Tia

Seek salvation by your own hands.

Lucia // She+Her
Other WoL: Juniper Ymir/Briar Ymir
Personal: Carrd

if history must be unwritten...

The time before the Calamity is a mystery to Apocrypha. Her earliest memory is waking in a good samaritan's house in Fallgourd Float. Her only clue to her identity was a mostly-unused journal full of doodles and nonsensical scribbles. The inside cover read 'Apocrypha Cloeli' so for lack of anything better, she adopted it as her name. Determined to find something that feels familiar or home-like, Apocrypha headed for the nearest big town, hoping if she makes enough waves, someone might come forward and remember her.For all her searching, Apocrypha loves the freedom having no real past gives her; not keen on staying in one place for too long she's always flitting to the next interesting or shiny thing. Relentlessly cheerful and fiercely independent, she does get lonely but knows that the scions and other warriors she's met are never far away. Some days she catches herself thinking that it really wouldn't matter if she never remembers where she's from or who her birth family were.She has all the family she needs now.Azem: Mnemosyne

...let it be unwritten.